My baby went skinny dipping yesterday and she had a whale of a time! =)
I think the key to having Sarah relaxed in a swimming pool, is to have plenty of young children in there with her. I had not planned to bring her into the pool yesterday, but rather intended to watch little Sean (Sarah's cousin) play in the pool with his new-found friends, when my Mum-in-Law suggested letting her try submerging in the pool again (the previous two attempts resulted in one really peeved off baby). The spontaneous event thus saw Sarah mooning to eight very amused kids. Well, for all it's worth, she does possess a very firm and perky butt. =)
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Monday, June 19, 2006
Daddy's Girl

She reserves her special smile,
Especially for her dad.
It sparkles full of love and warmth,
He can't help but be glad.
He's the type of daddy,
Who cuddles his baby girl.
He smothers her with kisses,
She's his whole wide world.
It's amazing how a tiny baby,
Could fill his very heart -
Full of profound love and meaning,
Only an angel could impart.
We celebrated Gerry's first Father's Day at the Crystal Jade at Changi Airport yesterday. It was a combined celebration for Dad as well. Was a little disappointed that Gerry had to fly off to Jakarta after the dinner - but happy that we had at least got to celebrate D-day for him.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
I'm 5 Months Old!

Sarah just had her 3rd DPT/DT Vaccine and 3rd Polio Vaccine yesterday. She's really an amazing little girl - she does not even let on a whimper when the doctor needled her. In fact, I did not even know that the GP had given her the shot until he told me that he was done; she just sat there happily. Her weight now stands at 7.6kg. The GP says she's very healthy and well. Glad that I am breastfeeding her still.
Her weight chart thus far is as follows:
Newborn - 2.9kg
When she left TMC - 2.72kg
1 month - 4.55kg
3 months - 6.6 kg
4 months - 7.3 kg
5 months - 7.6kg
I was at first a little upset that she gained so little weight over the past month (when compared to the previous months), but some of my Forum friends assured me that weight gain for babies tend to slow down after the 4th month. So to all my paranoid peers , "It's okay - you're doing a fine job too!"

Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Friday, June 09, 2006
Thursday, June 08, 2006
And The Gold Medal Goes To....
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
To Swallow or Not To Swallow?
Sarah finally learnt how to swallow her solids today! It's really amazing watching her delight in this apparently simple action.
We started her on solids this week. Gerry and I both went on a baby food shopping spree over the weekend when we realise that Sarah could be ready for solids from her looking interested in our food over the past week. I think her interest got sparked by her grandpop when he gave her a taste of the famous Ikea cranberry sauce last Wednesday. =)
We went to Jason's and got her some organic baby food from Heinz and Gerber (yet to try), Heinz Baby's First Rice Cereal and Heinz Teething Rusks. Also bought her swim diapers to go along with her latest sexy, swimsuit given to her by Aunty Hui Lin and Hui Li. Can't wait to get her started on swimming! =)
She seems to take to the Rice Cereal pretty well. In fact, she enjoys each spoonful - smacking her lips away. So shiok innit? =)
I have to confess that I can be a 'bad' mummy. I actually gave her a drop of curry last Thursday just to get a reaction from her. The expression she gave was priceless. Too bad I did not have my camera with me. What a bummer... =P
We started her on solids this week. Gerry and I both went on a baby food shopping spree over the weekend when we realise that Sarah could be ready for solids from her looking interested in our food over the past week. I think her interest got sparked by her grandpop when he gave her a taste of the famous Ikea cranberry sauce last Wednesday. =)
We went to Jason's and got her some organic baby food from Heinz and Gerber (yet to try), Heinz Baby's First Rice Cereal and Heinz Teething Rusks. Also bought her swim diapers to go along with her latest sexy, swimsuit given to her by Aunty Hui Lin and Hui Li. Can't wait to get her started on swimming! =)
She seems to take to the Rice Cereal pretty well. In fact, she enjoys each spoonful - smacking her lips away. So shiok innit? =)
I have to confess that I can be a 'bad' mummy. I actually gave her a drop of curry last Thursday just to get a reaction from her. The expression she gave was priceless. Too bad I did not have my camera with me. What a bummer... =P
Sunday, June 04, 2006
From Birth Till 4 Months
Precious Sarah

I wrote a little poem for Sarah Mae when she was just a little bud in my tum. =)
My child -
You're more than a miracle,
You're our precious little queen.
We treasure and we love you,
Even though you are unseen.
You're a combination of mummy,
And dearest daddy too.
The simple fact that you're part of him,
Is why I cherish you.
Well, on hindsight, with each day that passes, our love for her keeps growing at a rate that surprises the both of us even. It's amazing how someone so little and so 'selfish' =) could command so much devotion from us. Haha... I'm probably sickening you all with mush - looks like I've become the type of love-sick parent that I use to abhor before I became one.

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