Friday, October 27, 2006

The Tooth Fairy That Was Late...

Sarah's Tooth Fairy FINALLY paid her a visit. I discovered her new-found bite the painful way- yep, during a breastfeeding session last evening. She had been gumming things and drooling since she was 4 months old so the discovery of the new tooth was some sort of an anti-climatic affair as we had been anticipating it's appearance for the longest time.

Both G and I still cannot get a clear view of it as our precious will not open her mouth for us to see. From what I can feel with my finger, I suspect it's the lower left front tooth. Hah, FINALLY!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

A Silver Lining

I brought Sarah to see Doctor Lim on Tuesday, the 17th (yes, she's 9 months old already!) She had broken out in measle-like rashes the day before and got me feeling super stressed and paranoid. Well, the visit proved to be the assurance that I desperately needed after her bout of illness. The Doctor said that the rashes aka false measles, were a good sign as it meant that the viral fever is completely over. I could finally rest easy after 4 long days of torture. =P The bad news was that my poor princess had lost weight from the ordeal. She now weighs 8.25kg from her previous 8.4kg. =( I think, this is a sign of things to come judging from the way she's been picking and choosing her food. Sarah's going on a diet and she's only a baby. =P

Friday, October 13, 2006

Viral Fever

Sarah's been hit with viral fever yesterday. One moment she was happily playing and the next her body practically went up in flames... it's that scary...

Last night I had to cuddle and nurse her whilst she slept (the whole night). Her temperature climbed till 39 degrees and we had to sponge her. She hated it and screamed down the house. To make matters worse, she's lost her appetite and refuses to take her medicine as well. This makes me one extremely frazzled mummy. What am I suppose to do? =
Looks like the only option open to me now is to just pray and hang in there as long as I can. What drama- her first fever ever and she had to have one of the more erratic and exhausting one... =(

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Our Little Crawler

It's official! Sarah Mae has finally learnt how to crawl. She started crawling FORWARD on the 5th of October, last Thursday. Ironically, we're all a little upset with her latest achievement because she's starting to keep us on our toes all the time now. =)

Let's see, as of today, her abilities include -

1) Crawling
2) Using her 'pincers'
3) Calling Ah Pa and Ah Ma with a Tamil accent(I think she might be Indian in a previous life) =)
4) Walking with support (since 2 months ago)
5) Cruising
6) Annoying the hell outta her cousin Sean (grabbing or trying to grab his toys)
7) Wave bye bye
8) Kissing her 'ah pa' and 'ah ma' (only when she feels like it)

I believe the list will just keep growing at a rapid pace now. Our baby has suddenly 'grown up'. I kinda miss my baby.

Monday, October 02, 2006

My Darling Sarah

You drive me till I'm fuming mad,
When you refuse to eat.
Still, you look so very glad,
Your smiles so very sweet.

And when you decide to stay awake,
In the middle of the night.
It's really hard for me to take,
It feels like there's no end in sight.

Hardly a moment goes by,
When I wish for some restful sleep.
I get so tired that I could cry-
So frustrated that I could weep.

Yet looking at how fast you grow;
So many changes each passing day.
I wish time could go slow,
I've got so much more to say.

I've learnt a kind of love,
That overwhelms my very being.
A gift from up above,
You encompass everything.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Got Milk?

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The Professional


Yep, that's right - I'm a professional kai kai expert! Mummy thinks I look and behave like Obie our pet Shih Tzu whenever we bring him out. He'ld hang out of the window with his tongue hanging out. Well mommy, I don't! Posted by Picasa

Go Away!!!!


Can't you see I'm eating?! It's rude to stare! Posted by Picasa

My Best(est) Friend In The Whole Wide World!


Kor Kor Sean is my favourite person in the whole wide world. He races to meet me every morning with the biggest bear hug ever, and he loves to play with me. I love my Kor Kor Sean. Posted by Picasa

Meet My Boyfriend Noddy!


Like all couples, Noddy and I have our moments when we find each other annoying. I really am irritated with him. Grrrrr... Posted by Picasa