Monday, April 28, 2008

Sonia's Turning 2 Months!

It just hit me as to how much bigger Sonia is when compared to Sarah when Sarah was just a little baby. We weighed Sonia on Saturday and the scale read 6.4kg! In retrospect, Sarah was just 6.6kg at 3 months and we were already calling her michelin baby then. Hmmm... I wonder what we should call little Sonia then? Any suggestions?

Sonia's Growth Rate:

Birth - 3.65kg
1 month - 5.25kg
2 months - 6.50kg

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Me & My MP3!

Hmmmm... I wonder what this is...?
Oooo... music!
Lets groove!
Now, lets try it with just one earphone...

Verdict: Daddy- I want a MP3 player!
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Our Day Out At Vivocity!

Sarah Mae: I had so much fun at vivocity today! Daddy brought me for a horse ride and I had such a wonderful time splashing away with Aunty Sophia at the water area too! Dunno whether Sonia had any fun since I only saw her sleeping away... hmmmm... I wonder....

Sonia Rae: ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz..... =)
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I'm 1 Month Old!

Sonia Rae turned 1 month old on the 29th of March 2008. The party was a riot - lots of Uncles and Aunties came to see her. Thank you everyone for your Ang Pows, Cards and Presents. We had to load up 2 cars to get all the gifts home! What a lucky baby!=)

As of 28th of March 2008, Sonia weighed in at an impressive 5.25kg- jie jie Sarah paled in comparison in terms of weight at 1 month! She has been getting a little more interested in the things around her. She's been able to spend minutes observing her surroundings and she's starting to be able to see me. Doesn't sound like much but I do long for those moments when she coos at me in recognition. Apart from these, Sonia's still not doing anything much besides sleeping, crying, eating, peeing and pooping... Can't wait for her to become more responsive!=)

G loves his girls but he's expressed his thought that little Sonia seems to be alot more of a cry baby when compared to Sarah Mae when Sarah was an infant. Well, Hun- lets try not to compare and love our girls for their differences instead. It's going to be tough- but I know we can do it!=)
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