A website dedicated to capturing the special moments in our journey as parents to our precious daughters- Sarah & Sonia.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
She finally learnt how to flip on the eve of her 4th mth birthday. It's hilarious to see her flip from her back to her tummy, thereafter screaming for attention, asking to be rolled onto her back, when she gets bored of the view from her tummy. Yet, when someone does roll her back, she'll flip back immediately as if it is a reflex. And the cycle continues... =) Really funny.
I am a full time mummy to Sarah (4 years) and Sonia (2 years), with one more bub on the way (10 weeks preggers). I also run a little life-style concept shop on the side with 2 other partners. I am happily married to Gerry, a banker by profession and we're working everyday to make our family a happy place for our kids to grow up in. =)
oh my!!!!!
she's so so chubby..
you are doing a good job @ looking after her. *thumbs up*
manz.. it's been 4 mths since i saw her? didn't know that i miss her so much till i saw her pix.
how have you been? fully recovered?
-- koon
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