Monday, August 28, 2006

I'm 7 Months Old!


Ok, this is really LONG in coming. My apologies.

Sarah turned 7 months on the 17th (approximately 1 and a half weeks back). She's 8.4kg this month. That's a paltry 100 grams more from last month. I suppose it could be because she was rather sick some weeks back. Oh well, my goal this month is to pump her up to make up for the shortfall last month. I like my baby chubby and all. =)

Sarah just learnt how to get into a standing position from a sitting one (with the help of things around her). She still does not know how to crawl forward - she's always doing the reverse leopard crawl. I suspect she can scoot around too, but I haven't seen it firsthand yet (I'll leave her in one spot, but she'll 'appear' at another spot some distance away, in a sitting position still).

My baby still doesn't have any teeth. Apart from the waking up at night and constant gumming of everything, she still has no signs of teeth neither. I count my blessings as that simply means more days of breastfeeding without any apprehension of getting bitten by her. =) Posted by Picasa

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